
牙周病松牙固定治疗 被引量:23

Treatment of tooth mobility in patients with periodontal disease
摘要 牙齿松动是牙周病主要的临床症状之一。如何治疗松动牙、防止牙周炎进行性加重、尽可能地保存牙齿、促进牙周组织的重建再生,是牙周科医生致力于解决的主要问题。经牙周基础治疗、去除危险因素、消除牙周组织炎症并建立平衡后,多数患牙的松动度可不同程度减轻。而松动度较大的患牙经牙周治疗也很难恢复正常,并影响咀嚼功能,产生继发性创伤,使得牙周组织破坏、吸收加剧。对动度较大的松动牙进行固定,消除其创伤,减轻力负担,使之行使正常咬合功能,牙周膜接受功能性刺激,从而促进牙周组织的修复和愈合。因此,松牙固定是牙周治疗的必要措施。牙周炎的松牙固定是将单根或多根患牙与健康牙通过夹板连接成一个稳固的"多根牙",建立起一个新的咀嚼单位。本文对牙周病的松动牙固定、各类牙周夹板在临床上的使用及夹板固定技术做一介绍。 Tooth mobility is one of the main clinical symptoms of periodontal disease. How to treat tooth mobility, prevent progression of periodontitis, conserve teeth as many as possible, and promote the regeneration of periodontal tissue, are the major problems that periodontitis are working at. When performing initial periodontal therapy, removing periodontal risk factors, eliminating the inflammation and establishing balanced occlusion are done; most of tooth mobility reduces. However, it is difficult for teeth with high level of mobility to recover even after those treatments. It 'affects mastication, cause secondary occlusal trauma, and aggravate periodontal tissue destruction. Stabilization of tooth mobility can not only reduce occlusal trauma and burden, but also improve their occlusal function to get beneficial functional stimulation, thus promote periodontal repair and healing. So it is the necessary measure in periodontal treatment. The diseased teeth and healthy ones with single or muhiple roots are joined together to establish a new masticatory unit by means of splint, forming a fixed "muhi-root tooth". In this paper, various types of periodontal splints, their clinical applications and features are reviewed.
作者 陈莉丽
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2010年第1期4-7,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 牙周病 牙周夹板 松牙固定 periodontal disease periodontal splint stabilization of tooth mobility
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