

Exciton Energies in Wurtzite GaN/AlN Infinite Quantum Well
摘要 利用改进的LLP变分法计算了纤锌矿GaN/AlN无限量子阱中激子的基态能量和结合能,并对闪锌矿GaN/AlN量子阱和纤锌矿GaN/AlN量子阱中激子的基态能量和结合能进行了对比.结果表明:纤锌矿GaN/AlN无限量子阱材料中激子基态能量和结合能随着量子阱宽度增大而降低,当阱宽较小时急剧下降,阱宽较大时缓慢下降,最后趋近GaN体材料的三维值;考虑极化子效应时激子的基态能量和结合能明显低于裸激子的基态能量和结合能,电子-声子相互作用对激子能量的贡献较大;纤锌矿GaN/AlN量子阱中激子基态能量小于闪锌矿GaN/AlN量子阱中激子的基态能量,纤锌矿GaN/AlN量子阱中激子的结合能大于闪锌矿GaN/AlN量子阱中激子的结合能,且随着阱宽的增大,两种阱中基态能量和结合能的差距越来越小. The ground state energy and binding energy of an exciton in a wurtzite GaN/AlN infinite quantum well are calculated by an improved LLP variational method.The ground state energy and the binding energy in a wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum well are compared with the results in a Zinc blende quantum well.The results show that the ground state energy and binding energy of exciton in a wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum well decrease when the well width increases;and the energy decreases rapidly at a narrow well,then decreases slowly and is close to the values of an exciton in three-dimensional GaN materials at large well width.The ground state energy and binding energy of an exciton with the effect of polaron are significantly smaller than the results of a bare exciton,and the contribution from the electron-phonon interaction to the energy of an exciton is obvious.The ground state energy in a wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum well is smaller than those of a Zinc blende GaN/AlN quantum well,the binding energy of an exciton in wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum well is larger than those of a Zinc blende GaN/AlN quantum well.The wider the well width is,the smaller the ground state energy and binding energy differences between the wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum well and the Zinc blende GaN/AlN quantum well become.
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 2010年第1期45-49,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10964007) 内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目(2009MS0110) 内蒙古师范大学研究生科研创新基金项目(YJS07015)
关键词 纤锌矿量子阱 激子 基态能量 结合能 wurtzite quantum well exciton ground state energy binding energy
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