
金属塑性加工技术的发展与创新 被引量:2

The Developments and New Ideas of Metal Forming Technology
摘要 从工程哲学角度探讨金属塑性加工技术的发展与创新,指出塑性加工技术的发展趋势表现在技术的工程科学化、技术的集合化和技术的智能化;其创新将在材料对象的变化、技术重组、新工艺及深度加工方面出现. The developments and new ideas of metal forming technology are discussed in view of engineering philosophy. It is pointed that the developmental trend of metal forming technology will be expressed in the technical scientific engineering, technical integration and technical intelligibility. The new ideas will bring forth new materials appearing, reorgamization of technology. new technology and deep working.
作者 钟毅
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(理工版)》 1998年第6期32-35,共4页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 塑性加工 技术创新 技术集成 金属加工 压力加工 netal-forming technology technical integration technical intelligibility
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