
降低阳江核电厂接地阻抗的方法 被引量:11

Method of Reducing the Grounding Impedance of Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant
摘要 阳江核电厂是目前我国最大的核电项目,一期工程装机容量是6000 MW,当开关站外发生超高压接地短路时,流经接地装置的电流为34.18 kA。阳江核电厂厂区土壤电阻率高达1800Ω.m。如果不采取降阻措施,则其接地阻抗幅值高达0.819Ω,其接触电压4倍于接地规程的要求值。为将阳江核电厂接地电阻值降到可接受水平,利用解析计算和边界元法计算两种方式,对采用海水地网来降低接地电阻的方式进行了研究。研究结果表明:对于复杂的土壤模型,解析计算和数值计算有较大差异;在厂区外的海底敷设接地网,可有效降低接地电阻。 Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant which total installed capacity is 6000 MW in the first phase is the largest nuclear power project in our country.According to the installed capacity of 6000 MW,the current which flows through the grounding device will reach 34.18 kA when the grounding short circuit occurs outside the switching station.The soil resistivity in this power plant is up to 1800 Ω·m.The amplitude of grounding impedance will reach 0.819 Ω and the touch voltage will be forth the sizes of the requirement of ground rule without taking measures to reduce impedance.In order to reduce the grounding impedance to a acceptable level,analysis method and boundary element method are used to research the using of under-seawater grounding network to reduce the grounding impedance.The result indicates that analysis method and boundary element has a different result with each other and under-seawater grounding network can greatly reduce the grounding impedance.
出处 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期365-370,共6页 High Voltage Engineering
关键词 阳江核电厂 接地 降阻 海水地网 解析法 边界元法 Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant grounding reducing impedance under-seawater grounding network analysis method boundary element method
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