
“禅”释“反对阐释” 被引量:1

"Against Interpretation" and Zen
摘要 从本质上来说,"反对阐释"旨在对现有的"枯竭式"批评模式进行反思,指出艺术既不再现外部世界,也不表现内心情感,而是一种独立的自我呈现。对于这种"独立呈现",我们应该运用"新感受力",直抵审美的本真状态。禅宗的"禅悟",在一定程度上就是这种本真状态的体验。本文拟从两者对语言、体验和对待终极意义的态度上说明"反对阐释"所暗含的禅意。 Essentially speaking,'Against Interpretation' aims to reflect upon the current 'impoverished' mode of criticism,pointing out that art does not represent the exterior world,nor does it represent the interior feeling.Instead,it is what it is.Thus,we need to use our 'New Sensibility' to realize its aesthetic self when confronting this 'being'.Zen 'enlightenment' is,to a certain degree,a similar experience of this aesthetic self.This article tries to argue that 'Against Interpretation' may correspond to Zen doctrine in its attitudes towards language,experience and its ultimate purpose.
作者 郝桂莲
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期76-82,共7页 Foreign Literature
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(09YJC752023)
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  • 3Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Shanghai: FLTRP, 2004.
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  • 6郭朋.《坛经校释》,北京,中华书局,1983.
  • 7铃木大拙.《禅者的思索》,未也译.北京:中国青年出版社,1998.
  • 8普济.《五灯会元》,北京:中华书局1984年版,第53-56,56,128-129,129,137页.
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  • 10苏珊·桑塔格.《反对阐释》[M].上海:上海译文出版社,2003年.2-17.




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