选用三种表面活性剂,三只染料在中性浴条件下对常规纯涤织物及三种超细织物进行高温高压染色,测定各染色样的K/S值、Integ值,发现助剂对超细织物染色的影响与染料性能、织物结构、助剂性能等有关;C.I.Disperse Red 153与C.I.Disperse Yellow 54为中深三原色。C.I.Disperse Yellow 30为浅色三原色。涤/锦缎纹平纹超细在中性条件下用所选三染料染色比纯涤超细织物得色深;通过目测还发现C.I.Disperse Yellow 54、C.I.Disperse Yellow 30的匀染性较好,C.I.Disperse Red 153则相对较差。
A kind of PET super-fine fabrics, two kinds of PET/PA compound super-fine fabrics and a kind of ordinary PET fabrics are selected. Three kinds of surfactant are used when three national producing dye are used to dye the selected fabrics under high temperature、high pressure and neutral condition. K/S values and Integ values of dyed samples are mensured and compared. It is showed from the study that the influence of auxiliary agent on super-fine fabrics is relevant to dye's character、fabrics' texture etc. C. I. Disperse Yellow 54 and Red 153 are bright shade dyes, but C. I.Disperse Yellow 30 is pale shade one. PET/PA compound atlas dyed by three selected dye is deeper than PET under the same condition. Evenness of C. I. Disperse Yellow 54 and C. I. Disperse Yellow 30 is better than that of C. I. Disperse Red 153.