
电化学氧化法处理高氨氮废水的试验研究 被引量:41

Experimental Study on the Electrochemical Oxidation of the Wastewater with High Ammonia Nitrogen
摘要 针对传统高氨氮废水处理工艺存在二次污染、出水氨氮值偏高等问题,采用电化学氧化法对高氨氮配水进行试验研究,分别考察了电流强度、氯离子浓度和面体比对氨氮去除效果的影响,结果表明:在电流强度为9 A、投加氯化钠摩尔比(NH3-N/Cl-)为1∶4、极板间距为1 cm、面体比为40 m2/m3时,电解90 min后,氨氮浓度可以从2 000 mg/L降至247.51 mg/L;该方法运用于高氨氮废水的脱氮处理具有较好的应用前景。 According to the problem that the traditional treatment processes of wastewater with high ammonia nitrogen leads to secondary pollution and relatively high effluent ammonia nitrogen, electrochemical oxidation technology was used to conduct the test on simulated water with high ammonia nitrogen. The effect of current intensity, chloride concentration and area/volume ration on ammonia removal was investigated. The ammonia concentration decreased from 2000 mg/L to 247.51 mg/L on the condition that current intensity was 9 A,molar ratio of sodium chloride dosing (NH3-N/C1) 1 : 4,plate distance lcm,area/volume ration 40 m2/m3 and reaction time 90 min. The results showed that the electrochemical oxidation technology has better application prospect on ammonia removal treatment of the wastewater with high ammonia nitrogen.
出处 《安全与环境工程》 CAS 2010年第2期51-53,共3页 Safety and Environmental Engineering
关键词 电化学氧化 高氨氮废水 脱氮处理 electrochemical oxidation wastewater with high ammonia nitrogen ammonia removal treatment
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