
基于扩展Petri网的虚拟维修作业过程模型 被引量:9

Virtual Maintenance Process Model Based on Extended Petri Net
摘要 维修作业过程模型是进行装备虚拟维修性分析与维修训练的基础。维修作业过程属于典型的离散事件,Petri网方法相对于其他过程建模方法,更适合于描述具有冲突、并发关系的离散事件系统,且模型具有直观性。利用时间-有色Petri网对装备的维修作业过程进行建模,分析讨论了维修作业过程中逻辑关系的表达与维修保障资源的描述;引入对象概念对资源库所进行了扩充,定义了维修作业变迁的触发条件及触发延时的确定方法,增强了模型的描述能力。最后通过一个维修作业实例,说明了该模型可以很好地应用于装备维修作业过程建模。 The maintenance task process model is the basic of virtual maintainability analysis and maintenance training. The maintenance task process as a typical discrete event system, is appropriate to be modeled with Petri net, which has capability to describe the discrete system with conflicts and concurrences. A timed - colored Petri net is used in the modeling of equipment' s maintenance task process. The expressions of the maintenance tasks relations and maintenance resources are discussed; a resource place extended with object concept is proposed to enhance the capability of the model, and the conditions of firing are defined. An application of a maintenance process demonstrated the feasibility of the model.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期254-257,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 虚拟维修 派粹网 过程模型 Virtual maintenance Petri net Process modeling
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