
开放式上颌窦底提升同期种植的应用体会 被引量:2

Application of Lateral Window Technique in Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation and Simultaneous Implants Placement
摘要 目的总结开放式上颌窦提升植骨、同期种植的临床应用体会。方法对上颌牙列缺损患者21例(23侧)行开放式上颌窦底提升术及人工骨材料植入,同期植入种植体57颗。术后1,3,6,9月复查种植体骨结合及上颌窦情况。Ⅰ期术后4~6月行Ⅱ期手术,Ⅱ期术后2~3月行上部修复。结果无种植体松动、脱落及上颌窦炎症发生,X线复查显示种植体周围无阴影,均形成良好骨结合,术后6~9月完成种植体上部修复。结论开放式上颌窦底提升术、植骨同期种植体植入术是解决上颌后牙区骨量不足行之有效的重建方法。 Objective To summarize the application of the lateral window technique with simultaneous implant placement. Methods Twenty-three maxillary sinuses from 21 patients were treated with the lateral window technique and augmented with bone graft substitute materials, 57 implants placed simultaneously. The healing pattern and the osseointegration processes in augmented sinuses were observed 1, 3, 6, 9 months after surgery by panoramic radiographs. Secondary surgeries were performed 4- 6 months after implantation and dentures were rehabilitated at the end of the following 2 - 3 months. Results There was no loose or lost implant, no clinical complaint of the maxillary sinus area. X-ray showed satisfactory osseointegration. All implants were clinically stable; X ray examination showed well osseointegration and no maxillary sinusitis. Conclusion Maxillary sinus floor elevation using the lateral window technique with simultaneous implant placement is an effective and predictable treatment for atrophic posterior maxilla.
出处 《福建医科大学学报》 2010年第1期5-7,11,共4页 Journal of Fujian Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金(30840092) 卫生部科研课题基金(WKJ2008-2-064) 福建省自然科学基金(2008J0084) 福建医科大学教授学术发展基金(2008Y0013)
关键词 上颌窦 牙种植 骨种植 牙缺失 Maxillary sinus dental implantation bone transplantation tooth loss
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