
感应电动机动态效率优化的自抗扰解耦控制 被引量:3

Active Disturbance Rejection Decoupling Control on Dynamic Efficiency Optimization of Induction Motors
摘要 针对感应电动机系统具有强耦合、不确定性、干扰因素多、非线性等特点,针对感应电机最大转矩每安培控制策略,应用自抗扰控制(ADRC)静态解耦和扩张状态观测器(ESO)动态解耦技术,给出一种适用于感应电机效率优化控制的ADRC解耦设计方案。为了提高系统的响应速度,减少计算量,设计了一种去掉跟踪微分器(TD),并且ESO和NF采用线性函数的ADRC。仿真结果表明,该控制方案不仅能提高轻载时电动机的运行效率,而且具有良好的转速跟踪效果,并且具有较好的鲁棒性和抗干扰能力。 This paper proposed a active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) method for induction drive system to maximum torque per ampere control. According to the serious decoupling, uncertainty, many disturbances and nonlinear etc of the plant, proposed the ADRC based on static decoupling and ESO dynamic decoupling in order to eliminate the coupling between the loops to apply to the efficiency optimization for the motor. The proposed ADRC of each loop only consists of the ESO and NF using linear function instead of normal nonlinear function in order to meet the requirement of rapidity. Simulation results show that this controll strategy has better speed tracking performance, the stable efficiency at low loads, and good robustness of the control system.
出处 《微电机》 北大核心 2010年第4期34-38,共5页 Micromotors
关键词 感应电动机 自抗扰控制 效率优化 转速跟踪 解耦 Induction motor ADRC Efficiency Optimization Speed tracking Decoupling
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