
北斗双星定位算法精度的研究 被引量:2

Study on Accuracy of "Beidou" Double-star Navigation Positioning System Algorithm Accuracy
摘要 通过对北斗双星导航定位系统定位原理进行研究,分析传统双星定位的三种算法,其本质都为由迭代运算计算出用户所在的位置。为比较定位算法的精度,在卫星的工作区域内选取有代表性的点,采用三种定位算法分别求出近似解和真值之差,得出算法定位误差。提出采用对定位误差的协方差矩阵取F-范数,比较三种定位算法的精度。仿真结果表明,三种定位算法精度接近,计算时间、程序量相当。从精度、计算时间和程序量三个指标综合考虑,得出三点交会法优于其他两种算法。 Analyzing three traditional positioning algorithm by the study of Bei Dou navigation positioning system' theory.These algorithm' essence are to gain the uers' position by inerative operation.In order to compare the algorithm' precision,choosing four representative points in BDs' working area,getting the approximate value and real value's diffence,then getting the positioning error.In this paper,Comparing three positioning algorithm' precision by making the frobenius norm to the position error covariance matrix.The simulation results show that the three algorithm's precision、calculating time、process' amount are almost similar.Combined the three index,the three_point_intersected algorithm are better than the other two.
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2010年第3期85-88,共4页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 北斗导航定位系统 定位误差 仿真 Bei Dou navigation positioning system positioning error simulation
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