
旋成体导弹头部母线线型的选择问题研究 被引量:14

Study on generatrix curvetypes of axis-symmetric missiles
摘要 研究旋成体导弹的头部母线线型选择确定问题。在高超声速条件下,计算并对比分析了锥形、圆弧形、抛物形、指数形和冯卡门曲线形等5种母线线型旋成体弹头的升阻特性和压心特性,并结合结构布局和分段容积要求探讨头部母线线型问题。 Selection and confirmation of generatrix linetypes of axis-symmetric missiles are investigated. Five typical curvetypes, such as conic, arc, parabolic, exponential and Von Karmen curve, are proposed as potential axis-symmetric missile configuration generatrix line, the hypersonc aerodynamic characteristics of drag, lift-to-drag, pressure distribution and center of pressure are predicted and analyzed, and the requirments of structure and inner overall layout are discussed also. The conic body is the most steady one and the best choice for inertial missile, the arc body has the fastest deceleration ability and highest volumutility ratio, the exponential body is a better selection for maneuverability. The present work indicates that the compromise among aerodynamic charateristcs, overall layout and other design index should be made rationally to select a suitable generatrix curve for any destiny axis-symmetric missile.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期218-221,共4页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
关键词 母线线型 气动特性 气动布局 总体设计 导弹 generatrix curvetype aerodynamic characteristic aerodynamic configuration overall layout missile
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