bjective:According to the morphology of the herniation of the lumbar disc showed by CT or MRI, a concept of threedimensional localization was considered for the establishment of an accurate diagnosis. Methods:(1)Threedimensional localization could be carried out as follows: Sagittal plane: I (disc level), II(supradiscal level), III(infradiscal level), Horizontal plane: 1(medial zone), 2( paramedial zone,L&R) , 3(lateral zone, L&R), 4(extraforamen zone, L&R) and Frontal plane: a,b, c and d areas.(2) Using the threedimensional localization, all 50 cases in this series were respectively treated operatively and conservatively and were statistically analysed. Results:There was no significant difference in the level and zone of disc herniation, but significant difference was seen in the area distribution (P<0.005). Conclusion:The authors consider that the threediminsional localization is useful for the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, for the prediction of the severity of the disc herniation,as well as for the selection of management and evaluation of treatment results.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics