

Cultural Root Exploration of Zhaoyun Fiesta
摘要 苏轼爱妾王朝云于宋绍圣三年病殁于惠州,芳骨长留惠州西湖栖禅寺下,其墓历代修葺不已,享祀数百年,文人歌咏之诗文汗牛充栋,几乎喧宾夺主,形成独特的朝云祭拜尊崇现象。这种现象有深厚的文化意蕴,岭南独特的蓄妾文化及文人士大夫的畸形节操观念与心态是朝云祭拜尊崇现象得以滋生的文化土壤。 Su Shi's concubine,Wang Zhaoyun,died of illness in Huizhou in the third year of Song Shaosheng,and was buried at Xichan Temple by the Huizhou Western Lake.Her tomb was renovated by many dynasties and worshipped for hundreds of years.Poems and essays in praise of her were so many that the secondary almost superseded the primary,producing the unique phenomenon of Zhaoyun Fiesta.This cultural phenomenon was deeply rooted,which was closely connected with the fashion of taking concubines in Lingnan Area.Large quantities of the local history record show that the culture of Lingnan taking concubines and the twisted notions and attitudes of keeping female virginity existing among the scholar bureaucrats were the soil on which the Zhaoyun fiesta was bred and grew.
作者 杨子怡
机构地区 惠州学院中文系
出处 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第2期38-43,共6页 Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 苏轼 朝云崇拜 岭南蓄妾 节操观念 Zhaoyun fiesta taking concubines in Lingnan notion of keeping female virginity
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