
宽频带微型压电式振动发电机的设计 被引量:18

The Design of Piezoelectric Vibration Based Generator with Wide Bandwidth
摘要 针对压电式振动发电机频带宽度过窄的问题,设计了多悬臂梁-单质量块结构的微型压电式振动发电机。建立了多悬臂梁-单质量块结构微型压电式振动发电机的仿真模型,分析了微型发电机的谐振频率与结构参数的关系、输出电压与结构频率的关系等性能参数。组装了多悬臂梁-单质量块结构发电机实验模型,实验结果表明,设计的多悬臂梁-单质量块结构微型发电机在振动频率为113Hz~155Hz的环境中可以有效地将振动能转换为电能,在频带范围内最小输出功率37.56μW,最大输出功率155.71μW,发电机的频带宽度扩展到42Hz。 In order to widen the frequency bandwidth of piezoelectric vibration based generator,the structure with multi-beams and single mass is designed.The simulation model of the piezoelectric vibration based generator with the structure of multi-beams and single mass is established.The relationship between the resonant frequency and structural parameters and the relationship between the output voltage and resonant frequency are analyzed.The experimental model of the generator with multi-beams and single mass structure is assembled.The experimental results shows that the designed generator can effectively convert the environmental vibration energy to electric energy with the frequency from 113 Hz to 155 Hz,the minimum output power is 37.56 μW,the maximum output power is 155.71 μW,and the frequency bandwidth of the generator is up to 42 Hz.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期643-646,共4页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60706032) 高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目资助(708072)
关键词 压电 发电机 多悬臂梁-单质量块 频带宽度 piezoelectric generator multi-beams and single mass frequency bandwidth
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