
我国性病监测点实验室检测状况基线调查分析 被引量:22

Baseline survey on laboratory testing of sexually transmitted diseases at national STD surveillance sites
摘要 目的了解全国性病监测点性病实验室检测基线情况,为提高监测点性病实验室检测能力提供依据。方法使用专门设计的调查问卷,对105个国家级性病监测点的疫情管理机构和监测点内所有开展性病诊疗业务的医疗机构实验室的性病检测情况进行现况调查,应用SPSS11.5软件进行数据分析。结果105个监测点的疫情管理机构中,有93个(88.57%)开展了性病实验室检测;开展快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)和甲苯氨红不加热血清试验(TRUST)的定性、定量检测,梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验(TPPA)和梅毒螺旋体血球凝集试验(TPHA),以及淋球菌培养、生殖道沙眼衣原体抗原检测的比例,分别为96.77%、74.19%、79.57%、58.06%、65.59%;监测点内共1048家医疗机构,开展上述检测的比例分别为74.52%、34.73%、39.98%、35.59%、42.94%;不同级别、不同类型与不同所有制性质的医疗机构,开展性病检测项目的比例不同。结论监测点内医疗机构开展各种性病检测项目的比例较低,应加强监测点医疗机构性病检测能力建设。 Objective To carry out a baseline survey on utilization of sexually transmitted disease (STD) laboratory testing in STD institutions and medical facilities in order to provide information for enhancing STD testing capacity at national surveillance sites. Methods Specially designed questionnaire was used to collect information on STD laboratory testing from 105 nationally designated STD control institutions and all medical facilities which provided STD services as part of STD surveillance sites, and SPSS 11.5 was employed for data analysis. Results The percentages of nontreponemal antibody tests for syphilis RPR/TRUST qualitative and quantitative testing, treponemal antibody tests for syphilis TPPA/TPHA, gonococcal culture and chlamydia antigen testing employed in STD control institutions were 96.77%, 74.19%, 79.57%, 58.06% and 65.59%, respectively, and the above-mentioned testing methods used in the 1048 medical facilities were 74.52%, 34.73%, 39.98%, 35.59% and 42.94%, respectively. The medical facilities at different levels and of different types and ownerships employed different proportions of STD testing methods. Conclusion The proportions of various STD laboratory testing methods are relatively low in medical facilities as part of STD surveillance sites and the overall STD laboratory testing capacity at the national STD surveillance sites should be strengthened.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2010年第2期99-104,共6页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 性病 实验室检测 监测点 Sexually transmitted diseases Laboratory testing Surveillance sites
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