
美国关税法337条款与TRIPs协议的相悖性探析 被引量:9

On analysis of the disagreement between TRIPs Agreement and Section 337 of the US Tariff Act
摘要 美国关税法337条款是美国管制外国厂商对美输入侵犯美国知识产权产品的法律规则,素有"世界上最严厉的贸易壁垒之称"。对涉嫌违反337条款的行为,由美国国际贸易委员会进行调查并作出裁决。近年来,中国企业遭受美国337调查的数量已跃居全球首位,涉案金额达数百亿美元,但中国企业屡遭败诉、损失惨重,大量企业甚至整个行业的产品被完全排除出美国市场。效仿欧盟和加拿大将337条款诉诸WTO争端解决机制以推动美国修改该条款无疑是我国应对337的可行之策。然而学界对337条款与TRIPs协议的关系一直鲜有涉及,少数论及于此的文章均主张该条款并未违反TRIPs。通过批驳这些观点,论证证明337条款既有悖于TRIPs第3条国民待遇原则,亦与TRIPs第41条知识产权执法总义务相冲突,随后对我国将其诉诸WTO争端解决机制的可行性进行分析并提出具体操作建议。 Section 337 of the US Tariff Act often claimed the severest trade barrier in the world,which is the legal rule of imposing control over the imported goods infringing American intellectual property rights.It is U.S.International Trade Commission that investigates and rules the accusations of Section 337 violations.In recent years,the number of investigation into Chinese enterprises has soared to the top of the world,amounting to tens of billions dollars with worryingly low percentage of answering and winning lawsuits.It is China's countermeasure to follow European Union and Canada applying the multilateral dispute settlement mechanism to Section 337 to pushing US to modify the section.However,little argued is the relations between TRIPS and Section 337 of US Tariff Act.Quite a few articles about this hold that the section never violates TRIPS.This paper argues that this section not only violates the national treatment principle in TRIPS Article 3,but also disagrees with TRIPs Article 41,based on denouncing the claim that Section 337 goes with TRIPs.The feasibility is analyzed about applying Section 337 to WTO,and consequently some concrete and constructive operation advice is presented.
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期82-89,共8页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 337条款 TRIPS协议 知识产权 国民待遇原则 相悖性 Section 337 TRIPs Agreement Intellectula Property Rights National Treatment Principle Disagreement
分类号 C [社会学]
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