
产业集群技术创新与知识市场的协同关系研究 被引量:8

A study of synergistic relationship between industry clusters' technical innovation and the knowledge market
摘要 分析产业集群形成机理,给出知识市场与产业集群内全要素协同技术创新概念模型。以陕西纺织产业为例,揭示产业集群技术创新与集群内知识市场存在显著的协同关系。即产业集群内企业技术创新的关键是建立完善和开放的知识市场;集群内知识市场发展的目标是提高产业集群的整体技术竞争优势,最终促进区域经济综合能力的提升。 Through the analysis of formation mechanism about industry clusters,the concept models of the knowledge market and technical innovation with all-factor collaboration in the industry clusters are given.Taking Shanxi province's textile industry as an example,it is proclaimed that there is a notable synergistic relationship between industry clusters' technical innovation and the knowledge market.Namely,the key for the technical innovation of industry cluster is to establish a perfect and opening knowledge market;the target of the knowledge market development in the cluster is to improve the entire technique competitive advantage of industry cluster,then promote the district economic comprehensive ability.
作者 陆克斌 郭伟
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期35-43,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<国内外知识管理理论发展与学科体系构建研究>(项目编号:06CTQ009 2006-2009) 陕西科技厅软科学项目<推动陕西纺织走新型工业化道路的战略选择与途径研究>(项目编号:2004KR19 2004-2008) 安徽新华学院科研项目<基于SEM的客户化供应链产品开发知识协同研究>(项目编号:2008rw002 2008-2010)
关键词 产业集群 技术创新 知识市场 协同 industry cluster technical innovation knowledge market collaboration
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