
具有状态预测器的多智能体系统一致性研究 被引量:19

Consensus of multi-agent system with state predictor
摘要 针对复杂动力学系统中多智能体系统一致性问题的研究很有现实意义,而多智能体系统的收敛速度是一致性问题研究中的热点之一.为此,设计了一种状态预测器,使多智能体系统能以更快的速度达到一致.将所设计的状态预测器应用于多智能体系统编队算法,仿真结果验证了状态预测器的有效性. Consensus of a multi-agent system has a practical background in the research of complex dynamic systems,and the convergence speed is a significant issue.Therefore,a state predictor is designed,which is applied to the fundamental consensus algorithm,such that the convergence speed of the multi-agent system can be increased.This state predictor is also applied to the formation problem of a multi-agent system.Computer simulation result shows the effectiveness of the predictor.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期769-772,共4页 Control and Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60674041 60934007) 高校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20070248004)
关键词 多智能体系统 一致性 收敛速度 状态预测器 编队 Multi-agent system Consensus Convergence speed State predictor Formation
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