
玉蝉花繁殖生态学研究 被引量:7

Reproductive Ecology of Iris ensata (Iridaceae)
摘要 通过野外调查、人工授粉和室内种子萌发实验等,对天目山玉蝉花(Iris ensata)种群繁殖生态特征进行了研究。结果显示:玉蝉花自然种群呈聚集型分布,种群更新主要依赖贡献率为0.756的无性繁殖。人工同瓣和异瓣自花授粉座果率分别为10%和20%,结实数分别为0和4±1(n=2)粒/果;同株和异株异花授粉座果率分别为80%和100%,结实数分别为59±7(n=8)和64±9(n=10)粒/果,自交主要来自同株异花授粉,而同株花异熟、雌雄异位和异向等可有效降低自交。自然套袋不结实,不存在无融合生殖。花粉/胚珠比1277±270(n=10),辅证玉蝉花为兼性异花授粉、异花授粉植物。有效授粉昆虫为蜜蜂(Apismellifica),访花频率为0.019次.花-1.h-1,单只蜜蜂回访同朵花的比率为3.5%。自然种群立地种子数估算值为368粒/m2,种子宿存,具非深度生理休眠,萌发需光,低温层积60d萌发率达94.9±0.7%。玉蝉花种群繁殖适应对策为k对策,具备自我维持机制,但现正受人为干扰。 By investigating and experimenting pollination pattern,reproduction mode,fruit and seed dispersal,seed dormancy and germination,characters of reproduction ecology of Iris ensata were researched in one nature population of Tianmu Mountain,Zhejiang Province from 2006 to 2008.Results were as follows.(1) The natural population of I.ensata was in the spatial pattern of aggregation distribution.Its population regeneration was almost built upon asexual reproduction with 0.756 percent contribution.(2) Artificial pollination indicated that the fruit set and seed set of self pollination were much lower than cross pollination (P0.05).The flower of I.ensata being covered by a mesh had no seed setting,and the fruit set rate of self-pollination between the same or different petal of the flower were 10% and 20% with 0 and 4±1(n=2) seed per fruit respectively.However,the fruit set rate of geitonogamy and xenogamy were 80% and 100% respectively,and seeds per fruit were 59±7(n=8) and 64±9 (n=10) respectively.The pollen-ovule ratio was 1277±270 (n=10),which further indicated that the pollination type of I.ensata was mainly xenogamy.(3) Apis mellifica was the effective pollinator with the frequency of 0.019 each flower in one minute,and the ratio of visiting the same flower was about 3.5%.(4) The seed number was estimated about 368 per square meter in nature.Fruits and seeds of I.ensata were persistent and the seed had no deep physiological dormancy.Light was needed during seed germination and the seed germination rate was 94.9±0.7% after 60 days cold moist stratification.(5) We concluded that I.ensata can adapt to the wet and cold mountain climates very well,and Tianmu Mountain may be one of origin and refuge places of this plant during the glacial epoch.The species of I.ensata takes the adaptation strategy of k type,and they possess the mechanisms of natural sustaining renovation in natural population.Some of those mechanisms are being disturbed more or less by human activities now.
出处 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期93-102,共10页 Acta Botanica Yunnanica
关键词 鸢尾属 玉蝉花 繁殖生态学 有性繁殖 无性繁殖 繁殖贡献 Iris Iris ensata Reproduction ecology Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction Production contribution
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