
多模式控制的反激变换器 被引量:3

A Fly-back Converter of Multi-mode Controlling
摘要 针对全负载条件下反激变换器的转换效率问题,提出了一种多模式控制反激变换器。该变换器应用UC28600芯片,根据检测的反馈电压控制变换器自动工作在不同的模式,在重载时工作在准谐振软开关;在中载时工作在固定导通时间模式;在轻载和空载的情况下工作在绿色模式。实验结果表明:多模式控制的变换器在全负载下都具有较高的转换效率,适合使用于负载变化范围较大的场合。 A multi-mode control flyback converter is given to solve the problem of converting efficiency while working in full-load condition. This flyback converter applied UC28600 chip, according to the feedback voltage detection to control the converter automatically works in different mode, working in quasi-resonant soft-switching mode under heavy load, working in fixed-time mode with middle level load, and working in the green mode while in the light load or no-load condition. Testing result shows that multi-mode control flyback converter performs with high converting efficiency under full load, which is applicable to be used in a wider load range conditions.
作者 陈宏 薛晓明
出处 《电测与仪表》 北大核心 2010年第5期77-80,共4页 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation
关键词 多模式 反激变换器 准谐振模式 绿色模式 转换效率 multi-mode, fly-back converter, quasi-resonant mode, green mode, efficiency
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