

Application Research Based on 802.1x Authentication Technology of Kerberos Protocol
摘要 为解决IEEE 802.1x网络接入控制和应用系统认证结合实现单点登录,兼容业界标准,减少对现有网络基础设施的影响,设计了一个使用Kerberos协议以验证用户身份的网络接入控制系统,称之Krb_1x认证系统,其客户端和认证服务器要支持Kerberos协议.文章具体介绍认证系统设计、系统工作机制和关键实现,并对方案进行分析. In order to resolve the IEEE 802.1x network access control and application systems integration to implement single sign-on authentication compatible with industry standards,and to reduce the existing network infrastructure's influence.Kerberos protocol is designed to verify user's network access control system termed Krb_1x certification system,where its client and the authentication server should support Kerberos protocol.Introduction of specific certification system design,system working mechanism,the key to implement,and program analysis are included in the paper.
作者 吴伟斌
出处 《泉州师范学院学报》 2010年第2期18-22,共5页 Journal of Quanzhou Normal University
关键词 KERBEROS协议 IEEE 802.1x 网络接入控制 单点登录 身份认证 Kerberos protocol IEEE 802.1x network access control single sign-on identity authentication
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