The data of landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) in China and ENSO events and the NinoZ index during 1951 to 2005 were used to study the relationships between ENSO and landfalling TCs in China. ENSO events from July to September have obvious effects on landfalling TCs in China. When E1 Nifio persists throughout the months, the frequency of landfalling TCs is less than normal, the season of landfalling TCs is shorter, the annually first landfall is later, the annually last landfall is earlier, and the mean intensity is stronger and more landfalling TCs achieve the intensity of typhoon. Otherwise is true for La Nifia. That is to say, ENSO events evolving from July to September show strong prediction signals for landfalling TCs in China. When ENSO ends or starts in a year while the NinoZ index remains neutral in July through September, landfalling TCs also have some impacts of ENSO. E1 Nifio events have more significant effects on landfalling TCs than La Nifia events.
The data of landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) in China and ENSO events and the NinoZ index during 1951 to 2005 were used to study the relationships between ENSO and landfalling TCs in China. ENSO events from July to September have obvious effects on landfalling TCs in China. When El Nio persists throughout the months, the frequency of landfalling TCs is less than normal, the season of landfalling TCs is shorter, the annually first landfall is later, the annually last landfall is earlier, and the mean intensity is stronger and more landfalling TCs achieve the intensity of typhoon. Otherwise is true for La Nia. That is to say, ENSO events evolving from July to September show strong prediction signals for landfalling TCs in China. When ENSO ends or starts in a year while the NinoZ index remains neutral in July through September, landfalling TCs also have some impacts of ENSO. El Nio events have more significant effects on landfalling TCs than La Nia events.
project of the Ministry of Sciences and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (GYHY200806009)
projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (40775046)