
朝核危机视阈中的“停战体制”:流变与困境 被引量:1

Armistice Regime:Evolution and Dilemma in the Perspective of North Korea's Nuclear Crisis
摘要 冷战结束后,朝鲜半岛局势的动荡不安和核危机久拖不决表明,1953年建立的停战机制已经难以适应局势发展的需要,而在东北亚地区构筑新的安全保障机制已成为大势所趋。六方会谈的各参与方在高度重视朝核危机和自身国家利益的同时,都应以客观和现实的态度看待朝鲜的生存关切,尽量规避狭隘的传统地缘政治观念与零和游戏的机械思维,努力从根本上促使朝鲜半岛停战体制的转化与和平机制的理性塑立,这不仅有利于朝核及其连带问题的解决,而且有利于在本地区实现多赢的格局。 The turbulent situation in Korean Peninsula and the unsolved North Korea's nuclear crisis after Cold War indicate that the armistice regime signed in 1953 has been unable to meet the demand of the development of the situation of the peninsula.It is high time to reconstruct a new permanent security regime on the Korean peninsula.Every part in the Six-part Talks should consider the living issue of North Korea with an impersonal and practical manner while pays high attention to the crisis and the national interest of their own.They should elude the idea of the narrow and traditional geographical politics and the mechanical thinking of zero-sum game and strive to achieve an essential transformation of the armistice regime and construct a reasonable peace mechanism.This is not only helpful to the solution of North Korea's nuclear crisis and its related issues,but also helpful to the formation of a multi-win pattern in the area.
作者 李华
出处 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第4期163-170,共8页 Journal of Liaodong University:Social Science Edition
基金 上海大学"211"工程三期建设"思想政治教育教学与研究平台"资助项目
关键词 停战协定 六方会谈 朝核危机 安全机制 armistice regime Six-party Talk North Korea' nuclear crisis security mechanism
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