
基于计划行为理论的个人网上银行使用研究 被引量:4

The Study about Using Personal Internet Banking Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
摘要 首先介绍了网上银行发展的现状,以及计划行为理论和其他学者对网上银行使用的研究,然后以计划行为理论为基础,建立了个人网上银行的使用模型.通过问卷调查收集数据,运用统计软件对数据的信度和效度进行检验,在此基础上,对测量模型和结构方程模型的拟合优度,各系数的显著性水平,运用Lisrel8.7进行检验,并对初始模型进行了修正,根据计算出的路径系数,提出促进个人网上银行业务发展的建议,最后指出研究的不足和今后的研究方向. First of all,this paper introduces the status of development of Internet banking,theory of planned behavior, and the study of Internet banking from other scolars.Then,the model of personal Internet banking is constructed on basis of TPB.The data are collected by questionnaire. Reliability and validity of data are tested by statistical software. Goodness of fit of measurement and structural equation model and the significance level of coefficient are tested by lisrel8.7.The original model is revised.Suggestions of promoting PBI are put forth on basis of path coefficient.At last, Che lack of research and future research directions are pointed out.
作者 戴卓 李再跃
机构地区 九江学院商学院
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第13期88-94,共7页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
关键词 计划行为理论 个人网上银行 模型 结构方程 TPB person internet banking model structure equation
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