
区域自然保护区群规划——以秦岭山系为例 被引量:30

Designing regional nature reserves group:the case study of Qinling Mountain Range,China
摘要 自然保护区群的构建对于优化我国自然保护区空间布局、提高自然保护区的保护效果具有重要意义。以大熊猫为主要研究对象,以秦岭山系为研究区域,以生境评价与通达性分析为主要研究方法,探讨了自然保护区群合理布局与功能区优化的程序、内容与方法。研究表明,目前秦岭山系已建与筹建的大熊猫自然保护区17个,自然保护区群初步形成,保护了50%的大熊猫生境,但东部的3个自然保护区尚未全部相连,且整个自然保护区核心区被隔离为20部分,大大影响了自然保护区效果的发挥。为优化自然保护区的布局,建议新建湑水河与锦鸡梁两个自然保护区,以大熊猫居群为基本单位将核心区调整为4个,并且通过3个连接区的建设加强各大熊猫居群的连通性,以促进大熊猫种群间的交流与迁徙。研究结果可为秦岭山系自然保护区建设提供思路与依据,对其它地区自然保护区群的建立及全国自然保护区网络的优化也具有借鉴意义。 Formulation of nature reserves groups is one of important approach for optimizing the spatial patterns of nature reserves,and improving the effect of nature reserves network. In this study,based on habitat evaluation and connectivity analysis,the approach and method for optimizing spatial patterns and function zoning of reserves was analyzed using the case study of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) reserves in Qinling mountains range. Results showed that,17 panda nature reserves were established or in establishment,which almost formed a reserves group and covered 50% of panda habitat. But 3 reserves in the east were isolated from the others,and core zones of the 17 reserves were isolated into 20 parts. This pattern will reduce the effect of reserves systems in protecting pandas and other endangered species. For optimizing the spatial patterns of the nature reserves,new reserves including Xushui River and Jingjiliang were proposed,and the number of core zones was suggested to 4 parts according to the spatial distribution of panda population. Besides,three linkage areas were proposed for facilitating the pandas exchange and movement among different populations. The study is expected to provide a scientific basis for nature reserves construction in this mountain range,and to benefit the establishment of nature reserves group in other places and the optimization of entire nature reserves systems in China.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1648-1654,共7页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40901289) 国家重点基础研究发展计划973资助项目(2009CB421104) 世界自然基金会资助项目
关键词 大熊猫 连通性 生境评价 自然保护区群 功能区划 核心区 giant panda connectivity habitat evaluation nature reserves group function zoning core areas
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