文中分析了地震采集的技术现状 ,指出制约采集数据精度的主要因素目前已不在仪器 ,而在于激发和接收两个环节。在仪器方面 ,以生物进化论相比附 ,叙述了其技术发展的曲折历程。文章还强调指出 ,影响记录精度的核心技术指标是失真度 ,而失真度与动态范围是同义语。在 2 4位Δ -ΣA/D的时代 ,模拟通道必须彻底简化 ,除了一个放大器之外不需要另加任何模拟电路。任何模拟电路 (高、低截滤波器之类 )的引入 ,都只能使记录动态范围降低 ,而不是增加。地震仪器的系统结构在经历了一系列变迁之后 ,现已开始走向PC机 (主机 ) +计算机网络数传的简单模式 ,从而为国产仪器提供了发展的良机 。
The paper analyzes the current technical situation about seismic data acquisition, and points out that main factors restricted of data acquisition are as the results of the two links of emitting and receipting, but not due to instrument. Comparing with the biological evolutionism, the paper presents the tortuous course of instrument development. And points out emphatically that the key technical element affecting the record precision should be distortion. Here distortion and dynamic range are synonym. In the times of using 24 bits Δ Σ A/D instrumnet, analogue channel must be simplified. Besides a amplifier, needn′t add any analogue circuit. If use any analogue circuit, such as high/low filter, that will reduce the dynamic range but not increase. The paper points out further that going through a series of evolution, seismic instrument structure has begin to trend a simple model that consist of computer plus computer network data transmission. The model provides a good opportunity of developing national instrument products. And let us see the hope of success in manufacturing ten thousand channels instrument.
Petroleum Instruments
seismic explorotion, data acquisition, high resolution, seismometer, developing trend, A/D converter