

Public-Oriented Service Network of Land Information in E-Government
摘要 国土资源门户网站体系是全国金土工程建设的组成部分,是国土资源信息化面向公众的权威"窗口"。通过对我国31个省级国土资源门户的案例研究,对我同省级同土资源门户网站建设的现状进行客观评价,横向分析了门户的核心服务和功能,并在对其发展模式特点纵向归纳的基础上构建了一个面向公众服务的国土资源门户信息组织模型。 The portal site system of state land resources is a component part of the state land resources informatization construction and an authoritative "window" of state land resources information to the public. Based on the analytical investigation of the 31 provincial portal sites of land resources, this paper gives an objective comment on the current construction of the provincial portal sites of land resources, analyzes the core services and functions of the portal sites and establishes an organizational model of public-oriented portal information of land resources on the basis of a summary of the development characteristics of the portal sites.
出处 《国土资源科技管理》 2010年第4期88-94,共7页 Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目--矿产资源安全法律政策研究(CUG090114)
关键词 国土资源门户 土地信息服务 电子政务 公众参与 land resources portal land information service E-government affairs public participation
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