

Influence of Sol-gel Method on Preparing Mullite Coating on Stainless Steel
摘要 以九水合硝酸铝(Al(NO3)3.9H2O)和正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)为主要原料,氧化硼(B2O3)为助熔剂,采用溶胶-凝胶法和提拉浸渍法在不锈钢基片上制备莫来石涂层。分别研究了溶胶加热时间、溶胶浓度、热处理的升温速率、灼烧温度对涂层的影响。通过FT-IR和TG-DSC分析了莫来石前驱体的结构和热处理过程的成分变化,利用体视显微镜观察涂层形貌。实验结果表明:利用溶胶-凝胶法,当溶胶加热时间为7 h,溶胶浓度0.094×10-3mol/mL和0.117×10-3mol/mL之间,3℃/min升温速率下可得到完好、致密、无裂纹的莫来石前驱体陶瓷膜的涂层,热震性实验表明在950℃灼烧的涂层与基体结合强度较好。 The mullite coatings were prepared on stainless steel surface by sol-gel and dip-coating methods using AI(NO3)3·9H2O) and TEOS as raw material and B2O3 as additive. The influences of sol concentration, heating time, heating rate, sintering temperature on quality of the mullite coatings were studied. The composition of mullite, heat treatment process, and morphology of coatings were investigated and analyzed by means of FT-IR, TG-DSC, and stereoscopic microscope, respectively. The results show that flawless coats can be obtained with the sol concentration between 0. 094 ×10^-3 mol/mL and 0. 117 ×10^-3 mol/mL by heating for 7 h at the rate of 3 ℃/min. Results of the thermal shock resistance test demonstrate that the coats sintered at 950 ℃ possess high adhesive strength with stainless steel.
作者 马卉 李友芬
出处 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期956-960,共5页 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
关键词 溶胶-凝胶 莫来石 涂层 不锈钢 sol-gel mullite coating stainless steel
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