
糖尿病患者固体胃排空测定的醋氨酚试验——附46例报告 被引量:1

Gastric emptying of solids evaluated by acetaminophen test in diabetic patients
摘要 目的:了解糖尿病患者的胃排空情况。方法:应用醋氨酚试验测定了46例糖尿病患者和16名正常人的胃排空,以胃排空值(3小时内血清醋氨酚浓度与时间曲线下面积)和排空指数(3小时内血清醋氨酚高峰浓度所对应的时间/峰值)两个参数判断胃排空情况。结果:糖尿病组胃排空值显著下降,排空指数显著升高;与正常人比较P<0.05,糖尿病组胃排空延迟发生率为30%。结论:针对糖尿病患者的诊疗特点,固体醋氨酚试验为研究糖尿病胃动力障碍的较好方法。 Objective:To study the gastric emptying of solids in dabetic patients Methods:Gastric emptying of solids evaluated with acetaminophen test in 46 diabetic patients and 16 healthy subjects The value of gastric emptying(serum acetaminophen concentration time cure) and the emptying index(peak time/peak serum concentration ratio) served as parameters to evaluate gastric emptying Results:The value of gastric emptying was significantly lower in diabetic patients than in control subjects( P <0 05). The emptying index was significantly higher in diabetic patients vs control subjects( P <0 05),The prevalence of delayed gastric emptying was 30% in diabetic patients Conclusion:According to the characteristic of diabetic patients the solid acetaminophen test is an ideal method to the gastric motor disturbance in diabetic patients.
出处 《新医学》 1999年第4期193-194,共2页 Journal of New Medicine
关键词 胃排空 醋氨酚试验 糖尿病 Gastric emptying Acetaminophen test Diabetes
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