

Concept,Element and Characteristics of Harming Railway Transportation High Risk Population
摘要 对危害铁路运输高危人群的研究必须植根于对高危人群这一概念内涵及外延的准确把握,因此,研究现有危害铁路运输安全的高危人群的组成结构,对高危人群做一个明确的界定,是"高危人群的识别和控管"这一论题的重要基础。在此基础上通过进一步研究其构成要件、特点,为铁路公安机关实践工作提供客观统一的认定判断标准。这个问题的解决,将有助于铁路公安机关制定有针对性的预防、控制危害铁路运输安全高危人群的对策。 The research on harming railway transportation high risk population should be based on the grasp of the intension and extension of the concept.Thus,it is important for the thesis"the recognition and control of the high risk population"to research on the composition structure of the harming railway transportation high risk population and give the clear definition to the concept.The element and characteristics should be studied based on the base,which will provide objective,unified identification standard for the railway organs practice.The solving of the problems will benefit to the pertinent prevention,controlling harming railway transportation high risk population policy making.
作者 傅俊华
出处 《湖北警官学院学报》 2010年第4期76-79,共4页 Journal of Hubei University of Police
基金 公安部2008年软科学理论项目"铁路运输过程中高危人群识别与控管研究"(项目编号:2008LLYJTJGZ095)的阶段性成果
关键词 高危人群 构成要素 特征 high risk population element characteristics
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  • 1高危人群是指社会上的一些具有某种危险性高的特征(多指疾病)的人群组合.http://baike.baidu.com/view/1452185.htm?fr=a1a0_1.
  • 2晏扬.“高危人群”的帽子不能乱扣[J].农村农业农民(下半月),2006(12):38-38. 被引量:2
  • 3徐香梅,“高危人群”是怎样产生的?[N].深圳商报,2004-03-01.


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