
一种基于OpenCV实现的运动目标检测算法的研究 被引量:13

Research on Detection Algorithm of Moving Object Based on OpenCV
摘要 序列图像中的运动目标检测是数字图像处理与识别以及计算机视觉领域研究的主要内容之一,在视觉监控系统、医学图像分析、工业检测以及军事等领域中都有应用。文章重点对运动目标检测的算法进行了讨论,通过分析和比较三种常用运动目标检测的算法,提出了一种使用改进的背景更新算法检测运动目标的方法,并利用Intel公司开发的OpenCV提供的函数库进行测试。结果表明利用该方法可以稳定地提取背景图像,抑制运动目标对背景的干扰,有效地提高了运动目标的检测概率。 Detection of moving object in sequence image is one important to the domain and recognition and computer vision.It's applications include fields like vision-based supervision,medical image analysis,industrial automation and military etc.This article is focus on detection algorithm of moving object,by analyzing and comparing of the pros and cons in three algorithms,we designed a new algorithm to update the background,and used OpenCV from Intel to test.The results shows that the algorithm can extract the background image steadily,and inhibit interference from background to moving object,thus increased the probability of detection of moving object effectively.
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2010年第7期59-61,共3页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 运动目标 背景更新 OPENCV moving objection background update OpenCV
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