
医院高危药品管理模式研究 被引量:67

Research on management mode of high-alert medications in hospital
摘要 目的:探索并建立适合北京军区总医院的高危药品管理模式,保障病人用药安全。方法:以近年来国内外发表的文献为依据,进行分析、整理和归纳,结合本院高危药品管理的实际,探讨并建立高危药品管理模式。结果和结论:高危药品管理模式应结合医院实际和专科特点,通过筛选确定高危药品品种、限制同品种数量、设定专区专柜、完善药房药品货位标识、落实责任制等管理措施、建立信息支撑体系、制定各项工作的标准流程等来实现。 Objective:To explore and establish the appropriate management mode of high-alert medications in hospital,so as to guarantee the medication safety of the patients.Methods: By reviewing and analyzing the related literature,combining with the fact of management of high-alert medications in General Hospital of Beijing Military Region,the appropriate management mode of high-alert medications in hospital was explored and established.Results and Conclusion: The management mode of high-alert medications in hospital should be established by coupling with the character of hospital,screening the varieties of high-alert medications,limiting the numbers of same categories,setting the special area and counter,improving the mark management of drugs in pharmacy,fulfilling the responsibility,establishing the information supporting system and formulating the standard process of every work,etc.
出处 《药学服务与研究》 CAS CSCD 2010年第4期256-259,共4页 Pharmaceutical Care and Research
关键词 高危药品 药品管理 医院 high-alert medications drug administration hospital
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