5US Department of State,Country Reports on Terrorism 2006,available at 《http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/crt/2006/103711.htm》 (searched date:9 June 2008).
6New York Times,12 September 2007; Glenn Kessler,"N.Korea,Syria May Be at Work on Nuclear Facility",Washington Post,13 September 2007,p.A12.
7"President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with President Lee Myung-Bak of the Republic of Korea," Office of the Press Secretary,6 August 2008,available at 《http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/08/20080806-3.html》 (searched date:6 August 2008).
8"Foreign Ministry's Spokesman on DPRK's Decision to Suspend Activities to Disable Nuclear Facilities," Korean Central News Agency,26 August 2008,available at 《http://www.kcna.co.jp》(searched date:29 August 2008).
9erence Roehrig.North Korea and the US State Sponsors of Terrorism List.Pacific Focus,Vol.XXIV,No.1(April 2009),p104.
10For details of the agreement,see "US-North Korea Understandings on Verification," 11 October 2008,available at 《http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2008/oct/110924.htm》 (searched date:2 November 2008).
8Philip Shenon.North Korea Says Nuclear Program Can Be Negotiated.The New York Times,November 3,2002.
9Adam Nagourney,Janet Elder.Americans Show Clear Concerns on Bush Agenda.The New York Times,November 23,2004.
10William Kristol.Toward Regime Change in North Korea.The Project for New American Century,November22,2004.http:// www.new americancentury.org/north korea20041122.htm,2004-11-22/2006-03-19.