
从汶川地震桥梁震害看现行国内外桥梁的抗震设计方法(一)——抗震设防标准与地震计算 被引量:29

Comparative Study on Bridge Seismic Design Approaches in Different Specifications Based on Survey of Disaster in Wenchuan Earthquake(1)——Seismic Fortification Criterion and Earthquake Response Calculation
摘要 地震区的桥梁结构要进行抗震设计,所以地震发生后桥梁的破坏情况与抗震标准有密切的关系。为了解国外一些先进国家桥梁抗震设计规范的设防标准和设计方法,结合汶川地震桥梁的破坏情况,对我国、日本、美国、欧洲、新西兰等抗震规范的抗震设防标准、抗震等级和抗震计算方法进行了分析。所有国家的标准或规范都采用多个水准的抗震设计方法和多个抗震等级。对于不同抗震等级的桥梁,各国抗震考虑的方法是不同的,我国规范和美国规范采用不同的重要性系数同时考虑延性的影响,欧洲规范、新西兰规范只考虑重要性不考虑延性的影响,日本规范只考虑延性;在地震计算方法,各国采用的反应谱的形状相似,在考虑场地类别、强度折减及近场效应方面有所不同。 The bridge structures in earthquake regions should the damage damage condition of bridge is associated with the standard in Wenchuan earthquake, a comparative study, which be designed with the seismic requirement, so it relies on. Followed the observation of bridge put emphasis on seismic fortification criterion, seismic classification and calculation of response of bridge under earthquake in specifications of China, Japan, USA, Europe and New Zealand, was made. It is shown that (1) Multilevel seismic criteria and multiple structural classes are adopted in all the specifications of different countries. (2) The methods in different specifications for bridges with various seismic levels are different. The important factor which includes the influence of ductility of bridge elements is used in Chinese and US specifications, important factor is specified only in Eurocode and New Zealand manual, and ductility of bridge elements is stipulated only in Japanese specification. (3) For seismic calculation, the patterns of the response spectra are similar, but the considerations in site classification, strength reduction and effect of near-source ground motion for all the specifications are different.
出处 《公路交通科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期44-54,共11页 Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(90815027)
关键词 桥梁工程 桥梁抗震 比较 规范 汶川地震 bridge engineering bridge earthquake-resistance comparison specification Wenchuan earthquake
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