Objective To study the relationship of HBV in
serum, syndrome of patients, and immune indexes by FQPCR method. Method Fluorescence
quantitative PCR (FQPCR), which combines PCR and fluorescence probe hybridization, was
used to measure DNA/RNA. Results A clinical diagnostic kit for hepatitis B virus (HBV) was
developed. 532 clinical serum samples were tested with this kit, using ELISA as contrast. In 158
HBsAg+/HBeAg+/HBcAb+ samples, FQPCR results were positive, with 1.1108/ml of HBV on
average. In 98 HBsAg+/HBeAb+/HBcAb+ samples, the average was 8.6105/ml with a positive
rate of 73%; normal PCR only reached 30%. In 67 HBsAb+/HBeAb+/HBcAb+ samples, the
amount was 2.3105/ml. Conclusion Intube monitoring eliminates PCR crosscontamination
which causes false positive, and realtime detection ensures accurate quantity. So FQPCR can
be used to monitor the true state of HBV infection and amplification.