
应用蚀斑法和细胞病变法检测乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗病毒的比较 被引量:2

Comparison of plaque forming unit and cytopathic effect assays for titration of virus titer of Japanese encephalitis attenuated live vaccine
摘要 应用蚀斑法(PFU)和细胞病变法(CPE)检测乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗的病毒滴度,比较结果:①两种方法同时对同一批乙脑活疫苗进行10次测定,CPE滴定结果比PFU滴定高10Log值,标准差S=0196,变异系数CV%=192%;②对不同批乙脑活疫苗检测,仍以CPE法高于PFU,差值X=120,标准差S=031,变异系数CV%=256%;③PFU法对同一批疫苗滴定30次,乙脑活疫苗参考品滴定18次,变异系数仅为148%和127%。结果表明,虽然CPE法用于滴定乙脑活疫苗的滴度高于PFU法,但蚀斑法系统误差小,重复性好,结果客观可靠,可避免CPE法中由于细胞退化和工作人员主观判定造成的系统误差。 Two methods of cytopathic effect(CPE) and plaque forming unite assays(PFU)were used in titration of Japanese Encephalitis attenuated live vaccine for compare of their sensibility and reproducibility.The results indicated that there were some differences in titer of JE live vaccine tested by the two methods.When one same lot of JE vaccine was measured repeatedly 10 times,the vaccine titer tested by CPE was 1.0 Log higher than that by PFU,standard deviation(SD)=0.196;When 34 lots of JE live vaccine were tested with CPE and PFU assays respectively,the results of CPE were also higher than PFU,differnece X=1.20,SD=0.31 CV%=25.6%;When one same lot of JE live vaccine was titrated 30 times and one JE reference vaccine 18 times by the PFU methods,the CV% were only 1.48% and 1.27% repectivily.The results showed that although CPE method is more sensitive than PFU method used for titration of JE attenuatecl live vaccine virus,the PFU assay posses many advantages than the CPE method such as more consistency,more reproducibility and objective,It will avoid cell degeneration induced in primary cell culture CPE assay and personal subject with caused some mistakes reading and inconsistency of the results.
出处 《微生物学免疫学进展》 1999年第3期28-30,共3页 Progress In Microbiology and Immunology
关键词 乙型脑炎 减毒活疫苗 细胞病变法 蚀斑法 JE attenuated live vaccine CPE assay PFU assay
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