
DIFAR浮标反正切目标方位估计方法 被引量:3

Research on arctangent bearing estimation of DIFAR sonobuoy
摘要 DIFAR浮标是一种被动定向声纳浮标,广泛应用于目标的初始定位。它由一个全向水听器和一对正交偶极子组成。正交偶极子提供的指向性信息使其可以对目标进行方位估计。介绍了DIFAR浮标利用反正切方法对目标进行方位估计的方法。采用自适应线谱增强技术提高DIFAR浮标信号的信噪比。用反正切法估计目标的方位。给出了用LOFAR谱图和B-Scan图显示DIFAR浮标数据的方法。并给出了方位估计误差的解析表达。仿真结果表明,在相同信噪比下利用该方法得到的角度的方差小,满足DIFAR浮标的要求,提高了浮标的定位精度。 The DIFAR sonobuoy is an expendable directional passive sonar unit which provides a magnetic bearing to the signal of interest to the monitoring unit and can be used for search,detection,and classification.In this paper,the adaptive line enhancer is used in signal processing to improve the location precision of DIFAR.And an arctangent bearing estimator used in DIFAR is examined.LOFARgram and B-Scan method are used to present the DIFAR data.Because one buoy can get the bearings of targets,two buoys can fix the locations of targets.The results indicate that the variance of the bearing estimation is lower and location precision is enhanced.
出处 《声学技术》 CSCD 2010年第4期370-373,共4页 Technical Acoustics
基金 国防预研项目
关键词 DIFAR 声纳浮标 B型扫描 自适应线谱增强 反正切方位估计 DIFAR sonobuoy B-Scan ALE arctangent bearing estimate
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