为了克服有线测控系统接线复杂和抗干扰性差的缺点,开发了一种基于Zigbee无线传感器网络的温室测控系统。测控系统由上位PC机、基于CC2430的中心控制节点和传感器节点以及传感器模块组成。在分析温室测控系统特点的基础上,确定采用星形网络拓扑结构。搭建了具有1个中心控制节点和6个无线传感器节点的无线传感器网络。设计了温度、湿度和光照度传感器节点的硬件电路。用C语言在IAR Embedded Workbench for MCS-51 Evaluation环境下开发无线传感器节点程序。基于Visual C++6.0平台开发了上位机控制系统软件。将6个传感器节点均布在70 m×10 m温室中进行了试验,温度、湿度和光照度误差均在3%之内。
For the sake of overcameing the shortcoming of the wired system such as complex wiring and low anti-interference capacity,a wireless measurement and control system for greenhouse was developped based on Zigbee,which was composed of upper monitor control PC,wireless gateway CC2430,sensor node CC2430 and sensor module.The star network topology was adopted on the basis of studying the characteristic of the control system for greenhouse.The wireless sensor network with tree topology structure was made up of a center contraller and six wireless sensor node,and then the nod hardware circuit were designed including temperature sensors,humidity sensors and illuminance sensors.The wireless module sofrware was programed by C language in IAR Embedded Workbench for MCS-51 Evaluation, and furthermore,the user interface sofeware was developed based on Visual C++ 6.0 in Windows.The test is done in 70 m×10 m greenhouse where six wireless sensor node are evenly distributed,which shows that the measure error of the temperature,humidity,illuminance is within 3%.
Instrument Technique and Sensor