

Effect of micro-nutrients of B and Mo applying on N content of different soybean genotypes
摘要 白浆土是黑龙江省的主要农业土壤,有效硼、钼含量平均值均在临界值以下,硼、钼不足对大豆产量及品质影响很大。本试验以白浆土为供试土壤,选用东农42(DN42,高蛋白型)、东农46(DN46,高油型)和秣食豆(SWS,半野生型)3个大豆品种,研究硼、钼对大豆植株各部位氮素含量和籽粒蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明:硼、钼的吸收能促进R5期DN42和DN46叶片氮素向荚部转移;硼、钼与氮配合施用可以提高大豆籽粒蛋白质含量。 Plansol as major cultivated soil in Heilongjiang province with low content of available B and Mo has adverse effect on the yield and quality of soybean.The objective of this experiment was to clarify the effect of applying B and Mo in plansol on the nitrogen and protein content of three genotypes of soybean,DongNong 42(DN42) was rich in protein and DongNong 46(DN46) was with high oil content and semi-wild soybean(SWS).Results showed that the application of B and Mo in DN42 and DN46 could promote N absorbed in leaves transferring to pods during R5 stage.The combination of B,Mo and N could increase the protein content of soybean seed.
出处 《大豆科技》 2010年第5期15-17,共3页 Soybean Science & Technology
关键词 大豆 蛋白质 B Mo Soybean Nitrogen Protein
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