
CHNS元素分析仪 燃烧反应管温度的设置及破裂原因分析 被引量:6

Discussion on the temperature setting for combustion tube of CHNS elemental analyzer and analysis of the causes of its breaking
摘要 讨论了CHNS元素分析仪燃烧反应管温度的设置问题。实际使用表明温度设置不宜过高,本文推荐的设置温度为950℃。在此温度下可获得很好的分析结果,并可降低燃烧反应管的破损率,延长燃烧炉使用寿命。对燃烧反应管破裂的原因进行了分析,提出了解决方法,这些方法可使燃烧管的破损率大为降低。 The problems about the temperature setting for combustion tube of CHNS elemental analyzer are investigated. The theoretical analysis and practical applications show that it is not necessary to set the temperature too high.This paper recommends to set the temperature at 950℃. Under this temperature, better analytical results can be obtained, the ratio of breaking of combustion tube decreased and the life time extended. The causes of the breaking of combustion tube and the methods for their elimination are discussed.
出处 《分析仪器》 CAS 1999年第3期56-58,共3页 Analytical Instrumentation
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