
折叠式主弹翼气动特性研究 被引量:5

Investigation into Aerodynamic Characteristics of Folding Wing Guided Bomb
摘要 针对制导航弹的气动设计要求,设计了一种前后折叠式弹翼.并使用数值计算和工程计算方法研究前后折叠式弹翼、钻石背弹翼以及后折前张式弹翼的气动特性.计算结果表明:前后折叠式弹翼与钻石背弹翼升力系数在攻角较小时接近,在攻角较大时,前后折叠式翼的升力系数大于钻石背弹翼;前后折叠式弹翼的升阻比最大;后折前张式弹翼的外形滚转阻尼力矩系数最小;钻石背弹翼的外形滚转阻尼力矩系数最大. To increase the ratio of lift to drag of guided bomb, a folding multi-surface wing was designed. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulation method and semi-empiric method was used to compare the aerodynamic characteristics of folding multi-surface wing to that of diamond back wing with the same airfoil, chord and surface area. The results indicate the following facts: the lift coefficient of folding multi-surface wing is close to the diamond back wing at small angle of attack, but, at large angle of attack, the lift coefficient of folding multi-surface wing is larger than that of diamond back wing. The folding multi-surface wing has largest ratio of lift to drag. In addition, the rolling damping of folding wing is smaller than that of diamond back wing.
作者 吴小胜
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期1024-1027,共4页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
基金 国家部委预研基金项目(9140A1301810BQ01)
关键词 制导航弹 气动特性 折叠式弹翼 数值计算 guided bomb aerodynamic characteristics folding wing numerical calculation
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