Objective To make a study of the distribution of
miniental state examination (MMSE) scores in terms of ages and educational levels in the
Chinese residents aged 55 years and over and to offer a benchmark for a cutoff score.
Methods A total of 5 367 residents aged 55 years or older was drawn by means of stratified
multistage cluster sampling in the urban and rural areas of Beijing.The summary scores for the
MMSE were given in the form of mean percentage distributions specific for age, sex and
educational level; to compare the validity of the MMSE using different cutoff scores by different
studies in China. By a fitting multiple regression model to assess the influence of the factors
on MMSE score in our urban and rural population. Results We found the bivariate correlation
between the MMSE scores and all three factors of age, sex, and educational level (P<0.01). The
optimal cutoff values were taken from the 10th percent lowest score in the age group of 60 to
65 years for each educational level: illiterate19, elementary22 and high26. When compared
with cutoff score used by other studies, our values achieved high sensitivity (90.7% Vs 66.7% in
the urban area,97.1% Vs 78.6% in the rural area). Conclusion The MMSE scores should be
used to identify current cognitive difficulties and not to make formal diagnoses. Our adjustment
in the cutoff scores would improve the disease detection by reducing the number of false
negatives.It is suggested that the reported low prevalence of dementia in China may be related
to the use of low cutoff MMSE scores.
Chinese Journal of Neurology