
重庆职业教育城乡统筹发展理论研究——经济学的视角 被引量:12

On the Urban- Rural Overall Development of Chongqing's Vocational Education Theory:An Economic Perspective
摘要 职业教育城乡统筹发展,是基于城乡二元经济结构矛盾的现实困境而提出的教育发展战略,其目标是建立起城乡职业教育协调发展的有机统一的共生循环系统。在重庆职业教育城乡统筹发展中,城乡人力资本的统筹发展是其根本的内在动力,而坚持共赢性博弈理念则是其决策选择的价值理性,在此基础上,实现城乡职业教育的规模经济、范围经济以及聚集经济,是重庆职业教育城乡统筹发展的应然实践样式。 Promoting a balanced urban and rural development of vocational education is an educational development strategy put forward in view of the difficult situation of the structural contradiction of the binary economy system, with an aim of setting up a symbiotic system in which the rural vocational education can develop in a coordinative way with urban vocational education. As to Chongqing's urban-rural overall vocational education development, the overall development of human capital is its most fundamental internal driving force while sticking to the idea of "win-for-all" should be its rational choice. In line with this, to achieve a scale economy and a scope economy as well as an agglomerate economy should be Chongqing overall vocational education development's optimal choice.
出处 《教育与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期34-38,共5页 Education & Economy
基金 重庆市重大软科学招标课题"职业教育城乡统筹发展研究"(项目编号:2010-ZD-006)
关键词 职业教育 城乡统筹发展 经济学理论 vocational education urban-rural overall development economic theory
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