目的 探讨大动脉炎致脑梗死患者的临床特点和诊治情况.方法 回顾性分析2002年1月~2010年4月在我院神经内科住院的12例大动脉炎所致脑梗死患者的临床资料.结果 12例患者均有颈总动脉或锁骨下动脉或椎动脉及其分支的狭窄或闭塞,查弓上颅外段动脉磁共振血管造影、CT血管成像均有阳性发现.均为青中年患者,以女性为主,经Essen卒中风险评分量表评分均为0~2分,属于脑卒中低危患者.经激素或加用小剂量免疫抑制剂治疗均有效.结论 大动脉炎致脑梗死容易漏诊.对年轻的脑卒中低危患者,特别是女性,需要明确有无大动脉炎,而弓上血管磁共振血管造影、CT血管成像有较高的诊断价值.明确诊断后应早期给予激素或加用小剂量免疫抑制剂治疗.
Objective To explore the clinical features and treatment of the patients with cerebral infarction caused by Takayasu' s Arteritis (TA). Methods Hospitalized in neurology from January 2002 to April 2010 ,datas of the 12 cases with cerebral infarction caused by Takayasu' s Arteritis was analysed retrospectively. Results From the 12 eases, all patients have stenosis or occlusion of cephalic artery or arteriae subclavia or vertebral artery or there branches. Supra-arch extracranial artery MRA or CTA were all positive. All were the patients with low-risk of stroke, young and middle-aged, mostly female, Essen Stroke Risk Score graded 0 to 2 points. Corticosteroid or added with small dose immunosuppressant, were effective. Conclusions Cerebral infarction caused by TA was to be misseddiagnosis. For young patients with low-risk of stroke, especially female,it is necessary to clarify a diagnosis of TA. Supra-arch extraeranial artery MRA or CTA has superior diagnostic value. Cortieosteroid or added with small dose immunosuppressant should be treated as early as possible.
Journal of Clinical Internal Medicine
Cerebral infarction
Takayasu's Arteritis