
西方发达国家政府购买社会公共服务的经验和教训 被引量:88

Government Purchase of Public Social Service Contracting:Experience and Lessons from Western Developed Countries
摘要 政府购买社会公共服务是西方发达国家提高公共支出质量与创新公共服务的重要举措。本文通过梳理西方发达国家政府购买社会公共服务的发展历程,探索了社会公共服务由最初的市场化改革过渡到市场化和社会化改革并重的规律,总结出了政府选择非营利组织为重要合作伙伴、监管职能从狭义向广义转变、构建以弹性磋商和硬性约束为双重保障的合作机制和重视由多方参与形成的互助网络等经验;同时也得出了财政资金投入不当引起多方非理性行为、政府的战略规划能力不足制约服务进程和供方能力建设以及竞争招标引发的合作惯性不利于供方市场充分发育等教训。 Government purchase of public social service contracting is an important measure of improving the quality of public expenditure and public services in Western developed countries. By reviewing the process in purchasing public social services, this paper explores the law of service supply initially oriented by only the market reforms to both the social and market reforms, and comes to the following conclusions: government selects the non -profit organizations as its important partner, operates regulatory functions from the narrow to broad range, builds a flexible mechanism and rigid constraints of cooperation for the double protection, and emphasizes on the participatory experience in the formation of mutual networks. Also, it sums up the lessons that financial investment misconduct results in irrational behavior, a lack of strategic planning restricts capacity - building of partners, and bidding cooperation causes inertia supply - side market.
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第11期98-102,共5页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"政府购买社会公共服务研究"(批准号:09BSH055)的阶段性成果
关键词 社会公共服务 民营化 政府购买 西方发达国家 public social service,privatization, purchase of service contracting
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