
体育的哲学内涵——基于尼采哲学的探究 被引量:19

Sports Philosophy Connotation——Based on Nietzsche's Philosophy Inquisition
摘要 尼采在西方哲学史上是一个具有转折意义的思想家,他以希腊悲剧中酒神精神的消失为切入点,追溯了人类的道德谱系,并从其对人类道德所进行的考古学式地挖掘中宣布了上帝的死亡,建立起了以权力意志为评估标准的新的价值体系,从而宣布了柏拉图主义以及基督教精神的破灭,完成了对身体的正名。从对尼采哲学的研究中反思了现代社会价值观的萎靡,反思了科技进步所导致的人的退化,并在此基础上探究了体育的哲学内涵:体育是酒神精神的感性表达,是主人道德的积极尝试,是权力意志的快乐流淌。 Nietzsche is a transformative thinker in the history of western philosophy,he,taking the gradual disappearance of Dionysian spirit of Greek tragedy as the starting point,traced the lineage of mankind's morality,and announced God's death from the archaeological excavation of human's morality,established new value system which the will to power is the highest standards to assess,which announced the Platonic and the Christian spirit shattered,and gave an accurate positioning of the body.This article traced the philosophy of Nietzsche to reflect on the values of the malaise of modern society,reflected the degradation of man resulting from the scientific and technological progress,and put forwarded the philosophy of sports:Sports is the expression of Dionysian spirit,a positive attempt to master morality,and the joy of the will to power.
作者 马德浩
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第11期86-91,共6页 China Sport Science
关键词 哲学 身体 体育 尼采 酒神精神 权力意志 philosophy body sport Nietzsche Dionysian spirit the will to power
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