
基于组合赋权法的装备保障能力模糊综合评价 被引量:4

Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Based on Combinatorial Weighting Method on Integrated Support Ability of Equipment
摘要 为了提高装备保障能力评价的客观性、科学性,将两种典型的主观赋权法和客观赋权法相组合,建立优化模型,通过求解优化模型来确定各指标最终的权重值。根据模糊综合评价的需要构造了评分隶属函数,使定性分析和定量分析很好的相互融合。结果表明该方法可行,对科学、客观地评价装备保障能力有一定的应用价值。 In order to improve the objectivity and scientific of the equipment support ability comprehensive evaluation,this paper combines two kinds of typical subjective weighting method and objective weighting method and establishes the optimization model,and determines the weight value of each index of equipment support comprehensive evaluation by solving the optimization model.The grade subjection function is constructed for the need of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,and it makes qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis well mixed.Analysis shows that the method is feasible and has upper applied value in practice.
机构地区 电子工程学院
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2010年第11期140-143,共4页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 组合赋权 装备保障能力 模糊综合评价 combinatorial weighting method equipment supportability fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
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