
肺部肿瘤射频消融治疗的临床应用与进展 被引量:5

Clinical Application and Advances in Radiofrequency Ablation of Lung Neoplasms
摘要 肺癌是全世界因肿瘤死亡的首位原因。近年来,射频消融作为一种微创治疗方法在原发性和继发性肺部肿瘤治疗中得到越来越多的应用,并取得了较大进展。射频消融术后的疗效评价并不简单,推荐使用CT、MRI和PET综合评价。本文对其原理、基础研究、临床应用、疗效、进展等方面进行综述。 Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide.In recent years,radiofrequency ablation (RFA),as a minimally invasive therapy,has been increasing utilized as a non-surgical treatment option for patients with primary and metastatic lung tumors,and great advances have been achieved.The assessment of response after RFA is challenging,and we recommend the use of CT scans,MRI scans and PET scans to assess response rate.The purpose of the article is to review the principles,experimental background,clinical application and response in the treatment of lung neoplasms.
作者 张勇 李晓群
出处 《中国肺癌杂志》 CAS 2010年第11期1064-1069,共6页 Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer
关键词 肺部肿瘤 射频消融 临床应用 Lung neoplasms Radiofrequency ablation Clinical application
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