
基于平滑A^*算法的移动机器人路径规划 被引量:110

Mobile Robot Optimal Path Planning Based on Smoothing A^* Algorithm
摘要 栅格环境下A*算法规划出的移动机器人路径存在折线多、转折次数多、累计转折角度大等问题.为获得较优路径,提出平滑A*算法.在A*算法规划的路径基础上,遍历路径中的所有节点,当某一节点前后节点连线上无障碍物时,将延长线路的这一中间节点删除,建立平滑A*模型.仿真结果表明,平滑A*算法优于Ant(蚁群),Anyti me D*算法.平滑A*算法路径长度降低约5%,累计转折次数降低约50%,累计转折角度减少30%~60%.平滑A*算法能处理不同栅格规模下、障碍物随机分布的复杂环境下移动机器人路径规划问题. Path planned by A* algorithm for mobile robot under grid environment is flaw with much broken lines,frequently turning points,large cumulative turning angle.Smoothing A* is proposed in order to obtain optimum path.Based on the initial path planned by A*,traversing all the nodes on initial path,deleting the node which prolong the length of initial path as no obstacle existing on the line connected by forward and after nodes.Smoothing A* model is established after initial path processed.Simulation results show that smoothing A* exceeds Ant,Anytime D*.Length,total turning points,cumulative turning angle of path are almost reduced by 5%,50%,30%~60% respectively when smoothing A* algorithm is adopted.Path planning problem under different complex environment with random obstacles distribution can be achieved by smoothing A* algorithm.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期1647-1650,1655,共5页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重大资助项目(90924301) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70971046)
关键词 移动机器人 路径规划 平滑A*算法 随机障碍物分布 栅格规模 moving robot path planning smoothing A* algorithm random obstacles distribution size of grid environment
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